Category Archives: News

A Closer Look at the Andromeda Deception: Unveiling its Agenda

Preface by Theresa Talea:   The following article by Alex Balistreya does a deep dive into the ultimate effect of the “Andromeda Deception” upon its teachers and devoted followers. Privately, I felt that this topic as explained in my recent article and large book was still unfinished. As it turns out, my friend Alex felt the same. Our naturally flowing energetic connection emboldened the prompting in him to put a

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Revealing the Andromeda Deception

I have an important correction to make about something in my book, Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods. It is significant enough to state because it brings more seemingly abstract concepts down to reality, but it is not significant enough to create an updated version of my book. It involves the Andromeda star system and the Andromie and Necromiton entity groups, and “Andromeda” in general. First, I want to give

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Our Documentary Film is Published and Ready to View!!

I and my mother are overjoyed to announce that after years of diligent work and also obstacles, our two hour autobiographical documentary film “Discovering the Beginning of Pure Consciousness” is finally completed! It is available for purchase and viewing at this Vimeo link: Even with a little nervousness we feel from putting ourselves on film in this personal way, we really love this content-filled documentary and how it flows,

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“Clarion call” to share your voice

Here is a real “Clarion call” to the people who can “see” me and have at least some resonance and alignment to what I and my mother present in my (and our) book, Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, 2021 third edition. We both are sincerely asking for something positive from you, if you would be kind and forthright to read through my message here and respond to my request

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The 2022 Polish Book “Wieczni ludzie i skończeni bogowie” is Ready to Order!

Great News! The Polish book translation of the 2021 third edition of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within, titled Wieczni ludzie i skończeni bogowie: Jak była prorokini oraz ja, porzuciłyśmy religię i odkryłyśmy wszechświaty po drugiej stronie i wewnątrz, is now completed and will be published on September 26th! Wow, this has been a monumental task working

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Recent and Ongoing Projects: Book Translations and… Documentary Film!

Greetings! I have wanted to give an update over the past several months about my ongoing projects, but I waited to see how they would develop. First, as you may know, in March of this year, I published my final revision to my large book—Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How and Ex-Prophet and I Discovered Universes Beyond and Within, third edition. The specific revisions provide important clarifications and updates

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Important News — Polish Translation of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within

*This article is translated in Polish at the end*   Beginning July 1, 2020, the Polish translation of my book, Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods, will no longer be published by LOKA Publishers (Wydawnictwo LOKA in Polish). Our working relationship is now terminated based on several breaches of contract by LOKA Publishers and its Polish editor-in-chief/manager (hereafter grouped as “LOKA,” although the editor-in-chief was my sole contact). My book

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New Video and Interview about the Higher Self, and More

Recently, I made a video explaining what the higher self really is, which is something very different than how the New Age community interprets it. Here is my description and video:   I also recorded a riveting talk about topics in and relating to my books with my Estonian friend for his podcast called Honest Men (Ausad Mehed). It is over two hours long because our energy and ideas kept flowing!

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Exposing the White Light Lie and Revealing the Natural Blue Flame as Our First Step Toward Ascension

The color white is believed to represent purity. When envisioning positive energy, people tend to color it white, and they draw it into themselves with the belief that it transforms their negative energy into wonderful, uplifting, and healing energy. Meditations and bodywork modalities such as reiki purposely do this practice, usually inviting white light into the passive client’s body through the crown chakra at the top of the head. White

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Announcement: Upcoming Third Edition Book!

For the past year, I have been working on a significant revision of Eternal Humans and the Finite Gods: How an Ex-Prophet and I Left Religion and Discovered Universes Beyond and Within. I was given the opportunity by a Polish publisher, LOKA Publishers, to translate this large book into Polish, so I decided to give the Polish people a better version of the book, which also incorporates much of my

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